Snap Jewelry
The Original Collection

Our Original Collection gives you endless ways to express yourself. From stunning pieces incorporating mixed metals, rhinestones and semi-precious stones to Custom Snaps that hold a pic of your beloveds or a logo of your business—our Original Collection light up and change up your whole look, your way.
First, browse our Original Jewelry Collection to pick out your favorites—for yourself or someone you love. From bracelets, necklaces, earrings and more, pick a statement piece or a whole set guaranteed to “shine YOU bright like a diamond” for this holiday season and beyond!
Next, browse our Original Snap Collection to select the perfect snaps for the jewelry pieces you select. Pick snaps that showcase your wardrobe, personality, or an occasion you’re celebrating. Keep calm and have fun… it’s only a few snaps after all. You can always get more!
For those who are looking for something other than jewelry, check out our Accessory Collection. There you’ll find fun items such as sunglasses, keychains, bookmarks, purse holders and more. Here you will also find storage solutions for your snap obsessions.
Here’s to your fun journey!